Reporting Data Dictionary

General Terms


You may hear the term "Looker" referred to by customers and employees of Influitive, and you may see their logo or name within the AdvocateHub Reports tab. Looker is the business intelligence platform which powers the Reports we use in Influitive. The data is stored in Influitive, but processing and presentation is done using Looker's software.

Look / Tile

A look or a tile refers to the specific report widget displayed on a dashboard. When you create a new custom report, you can save this as a Look.


A Dashboard is the tab in which several looks will be displayed on the Reporting page.

Reporting Data Types

Within Reporting, there are 13 Data Explorations to choose from when creating new reports. The Data Dictionary will explain the fields available within each.

Field Name Description
Acts of Advocacy
Contact ID The unique identifier for the contact who completed the act of advocacy
Channel ID The unique identifier of the channel in which the act of advocacy occurred if there was one
ID The unique identifier for this act of advocacy record
isDiscussions Whether the act of advocacy came from discussions where two advocacy types can occur: Reply to Discussion Topic and Posted new Discussion Topic 
isSocial Whether the act of advocacy was one of 3 social share advocacy types: Shared Content on Twitter, Shared Content on Facebook, Shared Content on LinkedIn
Occurred Date The date when this act of advocacy occurred
The platform where the act of advocacy occurred: advocatehub, advocateanywhere, discussionsmaven (mobile app)
Points The number of points associated with this act of advocacy if any were set. 
ROI Value The ROI Value for this record as determined by the Default ROI Values set in your hub settings
Source ID The unique identifier of the source object where this act of advocacy originated. Can be Challenge ID, Discussion Topic ID, Referral ID, or Event ID
Source URL The link to the source object within the hub where the act of advocacy originated
Type The Advocacy Type indicates what type of advocacy was taken as chosen by the administrator within a challenge, or set automatically by the system.
Activities Last Week  The count of acts of advocacy that happened last week
Activities This Week The count of acts of advocacy that happened this week
Activities Growth The growth in acts of advocacy from last week to this week expressed as a percentage
Count The count of acts of advocacy as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report
Facebook Shares The count of Facebook Shares where the advocacy type is  Shared Content on Facebook
Total ROI Value The Total ROI Value as a sum of all act of advocacy records being filtered on
LinkedIn Shares The count of LinkedIn Shares where the advocacy type is  Shared Content on LinkedIn
Total Points The Total Points as a sum of all act of advocacy records being filtered on
Total Shares The count of records where the advocacy type is one of:  Shared Content on Twitter, Shared Content on Facebook, Shared Content on LinkedIn
Twitter Follows The count of Twitter follows where the advocacy type is Followed on Twitter
Twitter Shares The count of Twitter Shares where the advocacy type is Shared Content on Twitter
Awarded Badges
Badge ID The unique identifier for the badge that is awarded
Contact ID The unique identifier for the contact that is awarded the badge
Created Date The date the badge was awarded to this contact
ID The unique identifier for this event
Updated Date The date this record was last updated
Count The count of awarded badges as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report
Created Date The date this badge was created
ID The unique identifier of this badge
Level ID The unique identifier for the level associated with this badge
Name The name of the badge
Updated Date The date the badge was last updated
Count The count of badges as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report
Created Date The date this campaign was created
Downloaded Date The date this campaign was downloaded to your hub
ID The unique identifier for this campaign
Name The name of the campaign
Published Date The date this campaign was published
Status The status of the campaign that can be any of: Downloaded, Published, or Expired
Type The type indicates whether the campaign is Free or Premium
Updated Date The date the campaign was last updated
Count The count of campaigns as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report 
Campaign ID The unique identifier for the campaign this challenge is associated with, if it was created as part of a campaign
Created Date The date the challenge was creator
Creator Name The name of the corporate user who created this challenge
Headline The headline of the challenge displayed to members
ID The unique identifier for this challenge
Name The name of the challenge used internally for corporate users only
Prospect Sfdc ID The unique SalesForce identifier for the prospect if this challenge was created as a Reference Challenge through the Influitive SalesForce Integration
Published Date The date this challenge was last published or set to be published in the future
Published End Date The date this challenge is or was set to become unpublished as part of a schedule
Published Start Date The date this challenge is or was set to publish as part of a schedule
Rank The rank of the challenge which determines the order it appears to members
Status The status of the challenge that can be any of:  Unpublished, Published, Scheduled, Expired, or Archived.
Updated Date The date this challenge was last updated
Completed Count The count of challenge completions for this challenge
Count The count of challenges as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report 
In Progress Count The count of challenges currently in-progress
Later Count The count of times a challenge was marked as later
Challenge Responses
Created Date The date this challenge response was created
ID The unique identifier for this challenge response
Question The question posed for this challenge response as set in the Survey, Quiz, or NPS Stages. For Discussion Reply Stages, the Question will simply say "Topic Reply"
Response The response given by the end user to the question
Stage Type The type of stage used to get this response that can be: Questions Stage, Quiz Stage, NPS Stage, or Discussion Reply Stage.
Updated Date The date this response was last updated
Count The count of challenge responses as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report 
Challenge Types
ID The unique identifier for this challenge type
Name The name of the challenge type
Count The count of challenge types as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report 
Archived A quick filter for determining if the channel is archived or not
Campaign ID The unique identifier for the campaign this channel is associated with, if it was created as part of a campaign
Created Date The date this channel was created
ID The unique identifier for this channel
Is Homepage Is 'Yes' if the activity was performed outside of a channel. The value is 'No' if the activity was performed inside a channel.
Name The name of the channel
Published Date The date the channel was last published
Rank The rank of the channel which determines the order it appears to members
Status The status of the channel that can be any of:  Unpublished, Published, or Archived.
Updated Date The date the channel was last updated
Count The count of channels as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report 
Clicks (Clicks are only tracked for links shared via Social Share Stage and Personal Referral Codes)
Date Clicked / Shared Combined date filter used in Social Influence Standard Dashboard. Use when trying to filter on the date the original share happened and on clicks with the same date
Created Date The date the click occurred
ID The unique identifier for this click
Link Source ID The unique identifier for the source generating this link as being either a challenge or referral campaign
Link Source Type The type of link that was shared, either Referral Campaign or Challenge
Month Combined month field used in Social Influence Standard Dashboard. Use when trying to group the date the original share happened and on clicks with the same date
Referrer The URL the user was on before they clicked the link
Referrer Base Host The base host name of the referrer
Referrer Host The full host name of the referrer
Source A categorization fo the referrer that can either be Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Other
URL The URL that was clicked
User Agent The user agent of the user who clicked the link which indicates the browser used, device, and other information
Count The count of clicks as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report 
Facebook Count The count of clicks where the Source is Facebook
LinkedIn Count The count of clicks where the Source is LinkedIn
Other Count The count of clicks where the Source is Other
Twitter Count The count of clicks where the Source is Twitter
Click Shares
Click Count The count of clicks per share
URL The URL of the Share
Count The count of shares as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report 
Total Clicks The total number of clicks across all shares included in the report
Created Date The date your company record was created in Influitive
Hub Name The name of your Hub
Hub URL The Hub URL or custom domain set by you
ID The unique identifier for your company
Influitive URL The Influitive URL for your Hub
Program Name The program name of your Hub
Subdomain The subdomain of your hub used within the Influitive URL
Include Locked A quick filter for excluding or included locked contacts
Advocate Tenure A label field applied to contacts depending on their joined date. Buckets are last 3 months, last 4-6 months, last 7-12 months, over a year ago, and not joined
Churned Date The date the member was labelled as churned, meaning they had no activity in the last 3 months
Company The company value fo the contact in the company standard profile field
Created Date The date this contact was created
Email The contact's email address
First Name The contact's first name
ID The unique identifier for this contact
Inactive Date The date the contact became inactive which would be 30 days following their last activity date
Is Admin Determines if the contact is of type corporate user / admin. This will include all corporate users including authors and custom roles
is Advocate Determines if the contact is of type advocate
is Joined Determines if the contact has joined the program
is Locked Determines if the contact is locked
Joined Date The date the contact joined the program
Last Activity Date The date of the contact's last activity in the hub
Last Name The contact's last name
Locked Date The date the contact was locked. Will be empty if the contact is not locked
Months Since Joined The number of calendar months that have passed since the member has joined
Name The full name of the contact which appends the first and last name together
NPS Classification Whether this contact is a Promoter (9+), Passive(7-8), or Detractor(6 or below) based on their NPS Score
NPS Score The net promoter score of this contact from 1 to 10
Role For corporate users, the role determining what hub permissions they have. Can be Administrator, Author, or a custom role.
Salesforce Account ID The contact's account ID in salesforce, which will be filled via the salesforce data import integration
Salesforce ID The contact's ID in salesforce, which will be filled via the salesforce data import integration
Social Profiles Social media handles connected from the Hub users (only available for Facebook and Twitter)
Source The source indicates how the contact was added to the system. See this article for more
Timezone The contact's timezone
Title The title value for this contact within the title standard profile field
Type The contact's type which can be Advocate, Admin, Nominee, or Guest
Active Count The number of contacts who have had activity in the last 30 days
Churned Count The number of contacts who have been marked as churned, meaning they have no activity in the last 90 days
Count The count of contacts as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report  
Inactive Count The number of contacts who have been marked as inactive, meaning they have no activity in the last 30 days
Joined Count The number of contacts who are joined
Lifetime Points The number of points accumulated over the contact's lifetime, which does not subtract any points spent on rewards
Average NPS Score The average NPS score across contacts
Number of NPS 
The number of contacts who are detractors (NPS score 6 or below)
Number of NPS Passives The number of contacts who are passives (NPS score 7-8)
Number of NPS Promoters The number of contacts who are promoters (NPS score 9-10)
Overall NPS Score The calculated NPS Score determined by the percentage of promoters minus the percentage of detractors (From -100 to +100)
Total Number of NPS Contacts The number of contact who have a NPS Score
Running Count Cumulative count of contacts, which adds the count of the previous row to the count of the current row.
Custom Profile Field Values
Created Date The date this value was created
Custom Profile Field ID The unique identifier for the custom profile field where this value belongs
ID The unique identifier for this value
Updated Date The date this value was last updated
Value The value in the field which can be text, numeric, urls, provided by the contact as a survey response, manually inputted by an admin, or pulled from an integration such as salesforce
Values List Lists values as comma separated, which should be used instead of the value field when pivoting
Custom Profile Fields
Created Date The date this field was created
Data Type The type of data in this field as chosen by the admin on creation
ID The unique identifier for this field
Name The name given to this field
Source The source of this field if it is linked to a challenge or sfdc
Updated Date The date this field was last updated
Discussion Replies
Content The full content of the member's reply to a topic
Created Date The date this reply was created
Flag Count The number of flags on this reply. Flags can be added by members to indicate content that needs moderation from community administrators.
ID The unique identifier for this reply
Like Count The number of likes this reply has received
Marked As Solution Whether this reply was marked as a solution to the topic's question. Only relevant for categories that have been set to allow Marked as Solution
Marked As Solution At Date The date this reply was marked as a solution to the topic's question. Only relevant for categories that have been set to allow  Marked as Solution
Post Number An incremental identifier for this reply
Updated Date The date this reply was last updated
Discussion Top Topic Sources
Created Date The date this topic source record was created
Domain The domain that is directing traffic to a specific topic
Link Count The number of links this domain has pointing to a topic
Discussion Topic Views
Contact ID The unique identifier for the contact viewing the topic
Topic ID The unique identifier for the topic being viewed
Viewed Date The date the contact viewed the topic
Count The count of views as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report  
Discussion Topics
Include Unsolved A quick filter to include or exclude unsolved topics. Only relevant for categories that have been set to allow  Marked as Solution
Content The full content of the member's topic
Created Date The date this topic was created
Flag Count The number of flags on this topic. Flags can be added by members to indicate content that needs moderation from community administrators.
Hidden Whether this topic has been marked as hidden by a moderator, meaning it will not be seen in topic lists.
ID The unique identifier for this topic
Is Solved Determines if the topic is solved. Only relevant for categories that have been set to allow  Marked as Solution
Like Count The number of likes this topic has received
Locked Whether this topic has been locked by a moderator, meaning no further replies can be made.
Slug The final identifying part of this topic's url
Status A Disuccsions topic's Moderation Status (Pending, Approved, Rejected, etc.)
Time to First Reply The time between the creation of this topic and the first reply
Title The topic's title
Updated Date The date the topic was last updated 
View Count The number of views this topic has
Vote Count The number of votes this topic has. Only relevant for categories that have been set to allow voting
Average Time to First Reply The average time to first reply across topics in the report in minutes.
Topics Count The count of topics as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report  
Total Views Count The total views across all topics in the report
Discussion Trending Search Terms
Click Count The number of times a search result has been clicked for a specific term
Created Date The date this search occurred
Search Count The number of times this search term has been searched for
Term The term the member searched for
Email Events
Bounce Reason The bounce reason given by the mail server which can be related to invalid addresses, blacklists, spam, mail server configuration and other reasons. Consult an IT or email expert to diagnose the problem.
Bounce Type The bounce type given by the mail server which can be: admin, block, hard, soft, undetermined
Clicked Link URL The link the contact clicked in the email
Contact ID The unique identifier for the contact that triggered the email event
Email Type The type of email sent such as Challenge Digest, Welcome Email, Invitation Email, and more.
ID The unique identifier for this email event
Is Bounced Determines whether this email event is a bounce
Message ID A unique identifier for the message
Name The name of the email being sent
Occurred Date The date this email event occurred
Recipient Email Address The email address of the contact who received the email
Type The type of event triggered which includes bounce, click, delay, delivery, injection, open, or spam_complaint
Click Rate The click rate as a percentage defined by the Click Count divided by the Sent Count
Count The count of email events as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report  
Delivered Count The number of emails that were delivered successfully
Delivered Rate The delivered rate as a percentage defined by the Delivered Count divided by the Sent Count
Email Count The count of emails as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report
Latest Occurrence Time The date of the latest event that occurred
Open Rate The open rate as a percentage defined by the Unique Open Count divided by the Sent Count
Sent Count The number of emails that were sent
Total Click Count The total number of clicks across emails in the report
Total Open Count The total number of opens across emails in the report
Unique Click Count The unique number of contacts who clicked an email
Unique Open Count The unique number of contacts who opened an email
Email Surveys
Comments The comments provided by the contact on the Inactive Member Survey page
Contact ID The unique identifier for the contact who completed the survey
Created Date The date the survey was completed
ID The unique identifier for this survey response
Reason The reason chosen by the contact in the survey which can be one of the standard reasons or a customized reason as set by an admin
Type The type of survey being completed, which at this time there is only 1 for the Inactive Member Email also known as the Why Did you Leave Email
Updated Date The date this survey response was last updated
User Agent The user agent of the user who completed the survey which indicates the browser used, device, and other information
Count The count of email surveys as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report
ID The unique identifier for this engagement
Occurred Date The date this engagement occurred
Platform The platform where this engagement occurred which can be advocate_anywhere, advocate_hub, maven (mobile app), white-label, or watercooler (inbox)
Points The number of points received as part of this engagement
Type The type of engagement which is a copy of the event type code used in the corresponding event
Count The count of engagements as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report
Affects Lifetime Points Whether this event affects the contact's lifetime points calculation. 
ID The unique identifier for this event
Occurred Date The date this event occurred
Platform The platform where this event occurred which can be advocate_anywhere, advocate_hub, maven (mobile app), white-label, or watercooler (inbox)
Points The number of points associated with this event which can be negative in the case of point adjustments or reward redemptions
Related Object ID The unique identifier for the object related to this event which could be a Reward, Challenge, Channel, Contact and other objects
Related Object Type The type of the object related to this event which could be a Reward, Challenge, Channel, Contact and other objects
Type The type of event, see the Event Types article for more
Is Admin Event Whether this event was logged by an Admin/Corporate user
Is Challenge Completed A shortcut to determine if the event is a Challenge Completion
Is Redeemed A shortcut to determine if the event is a Reward Redemption
Is Reference Completed A shortcut to determine if the event is a Reference Completion only for RO and Boulder Logic integrations
Is Review A shortcut to determine if the event is a Review only from a review Integration
Is Social Share A shortcut to determine if the event is a social share for Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter
Total Points The total points across events included in the report
Count The count of events as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report
Count Last Week The number of events that occurred last week. Calculates as a rolling 7 day period, not calendar week
Count This Week The number of events that occurred this week. Calculates as a rolling 7 days period, not calendar week
Weekly Event Growth The growth rate as a percentage of events week over week
Latest Event Date Date of the most recent event that occurred
Number of Challenges marked for later The number of events recorded when a contact marks a challenge for later
Number of Completed Challenges The number of events recorded when a contact completes a challenge
Number of Contacts who Completed a Challenge The number of unique contacts who had a challenge completion event
Points Spent The number of points spent as part of a reward redemption
Points Spent Ratio The ratio of points spent to lifetime points
Count of Share a Link Stages completed The number of events completed tied to the Share link stage
Count of Total Social Shares The total number of social shares events
Count of Twitter Follows The number of times a contact has followed a twitter handle via the twitter follow stage
Group Contacts
Created Date The date this group contact record was created
ID The unique identifier for this group contact record
Updated Date The date this group contact record was last updated
Count The count of group contact records as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report
Contacts Only in this Group
A special filter used to filter on contact who belong only to single group
Created Date The date this group was created
Description The description of the group provided in the group details page by the creator
ID The unique identifier for this group
Join Code The join code associated with this group if there is one
Name The name of the group
Updated Date The date the group was last updated
Count The count of groups as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report
Groups List A special groups list field that lists all groups a member is a part of within one field, useful when trying to pivot by group
ID The unique identifier for this level
Name The name of the level
Rank The rank of the level which determines the progression from one level to the next
Count The count of levels as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report
Referral Campaigns
Created Date The date this referral campaign was created
ID The unique identifier for this referral campaign
Name The name of the referral campaign
Published Whether his referral campaign is published or not
Updated Date The date this referral campaign was last published
Count The count of referral campaigns as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report
Referral Current Milestone
API Code The API code used to identify this referral milestone
Referral Campaign ID The unique identifier for the referral campaign
Created Date The date this milestone was reached in the referral
ID The unique identifier for this milestone
Label The label provided by default or by an administrator for this milestone
Points The number of points associated with this milestone
Position A number that indicates the position of this milestone in the referral workflow
Type The type of milestone which can be In Progress, Lost, or Won
Updated Date The date this milestone was last updated
Count The count of current milestones as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report
Referral Milestone Transitions
Created Date That date this milestone transition happened
ID The unique identifier for this milestone transition
Milestone ID The unique identifier for the milestone
Points The points associated with this transition
Referral ID The unique identifier for the referral submitted
Updated Date The date this milestone transition was last updated
Count The count of milestone transitions as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report
Count Referrals The number of referrals
Sum Points The total number of points across all milestone transitions in the report
Referral Campaign ID The unique identifier for the referral campaign associated with this referral
Contact ID The unique identifier of the contact who submitted this referral
Created Date The date this referral was first submitted
Current Milestone ID The unique identifier this referral's current milestone
ID The unique identifier for this referral
Milestone Position The current position of this referral within the campaign's workflow
Milestone Type The current milestone type for this referral which can be In Progress, Lost, or Won
Prospect ID The unique identifier for the prospect being referred. 
Updated Date The date this referral was last updated
Count The count of referrals as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report
Lost Count The number of referrals where the current milestone type is Lost
Qualified Count The number of referrals where the current milestone type is In Progress
Won Count The number of referrals where the current milestone type is Won
Reward Redemptions
Contact ID The unique identifier for the contact that redeemed this reward
Created Date The date this reward redemption was submitted
ID The unique identifier for this reward redemption
Reward ID The unique identifier the reward being redeemed
State The current state of this redemption which can be  Closed, Fulfilled, Fulfillment Attempted, Fulfillment Failed, Redeemed, Refused, Requested
Updated Date The date this redemption was last updated
Contacts Count The number of contacts who have redeemed rewards
Count The count of reward redemptions as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report
Reward Types
Created Date The date this reward type was created
ID The unique identifier for this reward type
Name The name of this reward type
Updated Date The date this reward type was last updated
Count The count of reward types as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report
Created Date The date this reward was created
ID The unique identifier for this reward
Name The name of this reward
Points The number of points needed to redeem this reward
Provider The Provider or third-party application that helped fulfills Hub rewards
Questions List of questions asked to redeem a reward
Reward Type ID The unique identifier for this reward's type
SKU The identifier of the reward. Only applicable for rewards integrations.
Targeting List of targeting from the rewards
Updated Date The date this reward was last updated
Count The count of rewards as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report
Session Logs
Created Date The date this session occurred. A new session is created an advocate enters / signs into your Hub.
ID The unique identifier for this session
Operating System The OS this session occurred on
Platform The platform where this event occurred which can be advocate_anywhere, advocate_hub, maven (mobile app), white-label, or watercooler (inbox)
Average Visits The average sessions per joined contact within the time frame provided
Count The count of session as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report. Each session lasts up to 30 minutes.
Latest Visit Time The most recent session of a contact
Social Authentications
Is Connected Whether a contact's specific social media app is currently connected
Provider The name of the social media provide which can be Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or a custom value for other OAuth providers
Total Advocates Count The count of advocates
User ID The unique identifier used for this user within the social provider
Connected Count The count of authentications that are connected
Count The count of authentications as determined by the current filters and fields set in the report
Unconnected Count The count of authentications that are not connected
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