This article introduces the analytics features of the PostBeyond platform, focusing on the Administrator dashboard, Leaderboard setup, and Earned Media Value (EMV) calculation. It emphasizes the importance of understanding user interaction and network engagement to enhance content strategy, and provides a guide on how to use various analytics tools, including Adoption, Map Analytics, and Compliance Reports, to gain deeper insights into content performance.
Get to Know Your Users: Intro to Analytics
Learn the basics about the analytics you can find in your PostBeyond platform. In this article, we will cover the various analytics available on the Administrator dashboard, the setup of point systems on the Leaderboard, and how to assign values to each activity to accurately calculate your Earned Media Value (EMV) for PostBeyond.
There are many valuable insights to be gained from understanding how users interact with the content on your platform and how their networks engage with it externally. The Analytics section can assist you in tracking performance and provide insights for improving your content strategy.
Leaderboard Overview for Admins
Your Leaderboard is a great way to get users motivated to share content. There are many different ways you can set up the Leaderboard so that points are awarded for the activity you would like to encourage. Here you will learn how to set up the way points are awarded to end users.
Review the point allocation of LinkedIn shares on your Leaderboard.
Note who the top three users on your Leaderboard are.
Earned Media Value (EMV)
Earned Media Value (EMV) is a metric that allows you to estimate the cost of the equivalent exposure if you had paid for the interactions on social networks. This includes interactions such as clicks, likes, and retweets. By setting up EMV values, you can align them with your understanding of the costs associated with these types of social media engagements.
Note your EMV for the period you are examining.
Adjust the allocation of EMV for Twitter re-shares as needed.
Manager Settings
You can change both your personal settings and your company settings from the Settings page. Here we will go over how these settings can affect the way you work within PostBeyond.
- Change your own password.
- Change your notification settings.
Manager Dashboard
The Administrator dashboard is the first thing you will see when you log into PostBeyond as an Administrator or Content Creator. The dashboard can offer valuable insights into how your program is doing.
Change your view of the manager dashboard to show activity from the last 14 days.
Check how many interactions you have had over the period you are looking at.
Note how many shares your platform has had in the period.
Post Analytics
Post Analytics is the first page you will see after navigating to our Analytics section. On this page, you will find data on shares and interactions for each post. You can use this page to gauge what type of content is getting shared the most and use that information to inform your post creation strategy.
User Analytics
User Analytics provides insights into how each end user interacts with content on the platform. It enables you to delve into the performance of specific users or groups of users.
Group Analytics
Group Analytics provides insights into the performance of different groups within your organization. It allows you to compare the performance of one group against another and also offers a detailed view of each individual group member's contributions.
Topic Analytics
Topic Analytics allows you to see how each of your topics performed. This can provide insight into what type of content performs best.
Additional Analytics
This section covers the additional analytics features available, including Adoption, Earned Media Value, Map Analytics, and the Compliance Report. These tools provide deeper insights into the performance and reach of your content.
Helpful Resources
Explore the following resources to learn more about various administrative functions and user engagement on our platform:
- Learn the Basics: Admin View, Groups, Topics, Post Creation
- Manage Your Team: Learn to Invite Users, Archive Users, & Edit Groups
- Engage your Users: Learn to Import Posts
What is Earned Media Value (EMV) and how is it calculated on PostBeyond?
Earned Media Value (EMV) is a metric used to estimate the cost of equivalent exposure if paid for on social networks, accounting for interactions such as clicks, likes, and retweets. On PostBeyond, EMV values can be set up to align with the costs associated with these types of social media engagements.
How can the Leaderboard feature on PostBeyond be used to motivate users?
The Leaderboard on PostBeyond can be customized to award points for specific activities, encouraging users to share content and engage with the platform. This gamification aspect motivates users by recognizing their contributions and fostering a competitive environment.
What types of analytics are available on the PostBeyond platform?
PostBeyond offers various analytics including Post Analytics, User Analytics, Group Analytics, and Topic Analytics, as well as additional features like Adoption, Map Analytics, and Compliance Reports. These tools help administrators track performance, understand user behavior, and measure content reach.
How can PostBeyond analytics improve content strategy?
PostBeyond analytics provide insights into which types of content are most shared and interacted with, allowing administrators to tailor their content strategy to maximize engagement and effectiveness based on user preferences and performance data.