The article provides a guide on using the Bookmark feature on PostBeyond, which allows users to save posts for later reading. It details the process of bookmarking a post, accessing the list of saved bookmarks, and removing bookmarks when they are no longer needed.
Learn how to save posts to read later with Bookmarks. You can save posts that you want to read later or that you find particularly interesting using the Bookmark feature. You can bookmark any post by hovering over the top right side of a content card and clicking on the Bookmark icon.
You can later find a list of all your bookmarks under Topics.
Your bookmarked posts will appear in reverse chronological order - the one you recently bookmarked will appear first and the older ones will appear last.
To remove a Bookmark, simply click 'Remove Bookmark' at the top right corner of the content card you want removed.
Helpful Resources
How do I bookmark a post on PostBeyond?
You can bookmark a post by hovering over the top right side of a content card and clicking on the Bookmark icon.
Where can I find my bookmarked posts on PostBeyond?
You can find all your bookmarked posts under Topics, where they are listed in reverse chronological order.
How do I remove a bookmark from a post on PostBeyond?
To remove a bookmark, click 'Remove Bookmark' at the top right corner of the content card you wish to remove from your bookmarks.
In what order will my bookmarked posts appear?
Your bookmarked posts will appear in reverse chronological order, with the most recently bookmarked post first.