The article guides users through the process of setting up automated emails to prospects using Zapier's Referrals 2.0. It details steps for creating a new Zap, configuring webhooks, setting up Gmail for email templates, and establishing filters to ensure that only referred prospects receive the communication. The article emphasizes the importance of testing each step to confirm a successful setup.
When one of your advocates submits a referral as part of Referrals 2.0, you may want to send an automated email to the prospect that they referred. This email may contain some information about your company and advise them that they will be contacted by one of your account managers shortly.
Step 1: Set up the Zap
- Sign into your Zapier account and click Make a Zap.
- On the left side, first Name your Zap and click Enter to save.
- Next, on the left side, under 1. Set up this step click on Choose App.
- Select Webhooks under Built-In Apps from the list that appears.
- Select Catch Hook in the pane that appears and click Save + Continue.
- Click on Set Up Webhook on the left side, copy the URL to the clipboard and click Continue.
- Switch back to your AdvocateHub window / tab.
- Navigate to your Hub's Webhook configuration page: Settings > System > Webhooks . Click the Add a Webhook button.
- Give your webhook a relevant name e.g. "Referral Email".
- In the Webhook Provider URL field, paste the link from Zapier. Leave the Format as "Form Post".
- Scroll down to the list of events and check the box beside Referral Milestone Reached . Then, scroll down and click Save.
- Next, head back to your Zapier account and click on Edit Options on the left side under 1. Catch Hook .
- Click Continue to move through this step, as we won’t be editing this.
- We will now be in the Test this Step section. Go back to your hub and submit a test referral using a test advocate account. Make sure that you have access to the email address for the Prospect - you will need this for testing purposes later to ensure that you have received the email.
- Once you have done this in the hub, go back to Zapier and click OK, I did this. It will take a few minutes for the test to work. If all is set up correctly, you will see a Test Successful green bar. Click Continue.
Step 2: Set up Gmail
- Click 2. Set up this step under Action on the left-hand side to see the drop-down menu.
- Click Choose App in the drop-down menu and choose Gmail.
- In the next window, select Send Email , then click Save + Continue.
- Click on Connect a New Account . On the pop-up that appears, login to your Google account and then hit Accept to give Zapier access to your Gmail account. Click Save + Continue to move to the next step.
- In the next step, you will need to choose the data that will populate in the email template. By clicking on the + symbol on the right hand side of each field, you can choose the data from the webhook that you tested. For example:
- Continue to choose values for the following fields e.g. CC options/Reply To etc. You will then also need to enter the Subject and Body of the email. Once you have done this, click on Continue.
- Let’s Test this Step! If the test has been successful, you will see a green status that says Test Successful! Have a look at your email that you entered for the Prospect to make sure that the email looks ok.
Step 3: Filter the referral submissions
- From the previous step, click on the + symbol under Step 2 and select Filter :
- In the next window, click Save + Continue under Only continue if...
- Next, we will need to define the Filter. In the first box, click on the drop-down arrow and choose Catch Hook . Scroll down to find the Parameters[status][label] and choose this.
- In the next box, click the drop-down arrow again and choose the option (Text) Exactly Matches .
- In the last box, type Submitted . It should look like this:
- Click Continue to move to the next step and click on Test Filter. You should see a green status that shows that it has worked.
- The last step is to click on Finish and then turn on your Zap!
How do I create a new Zap for sending automated emails to prospects?
To create a new Zap, log into your Zapier account, configure webhooks in AdvocateHub, and follow the steps provided for setting up Gmail and testing the webhook.
What should I include in the automated email to prospects?
The automated email should contain information about your company and notify the prospect that an account manager will be in touch shortly.
How do I test if my automated email setup in Zapier is working correctly?
After setting up the email template in Gmail and the filter in Zapier, use the 'Test' feature at each step. A green status indicating "Test Successful!" will confirm that the setup is correct.
What is the purpose of setting up a filter in Zapier for my automated emails?
A filter ensures that automated emails are only sent to prospects who have been referred, based on specific criteria such as the referral status being 'Submitted'.