This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to use Google Tag Manager to track the performance of AdvocateAnywhere by creating a new tag and setting up a custom trigger.
Follow the steps outlined below to integrate AdvocateAnywhere with Google Tag Manager for effective tracking and performance analysis.
Step 1
Login to Google Tag Manager.
Step 2
Go into your site container.
Step 3
Create a New Tag and name it AdvocateAnywhere, select Custom HTML as the Tag Type.
Step 4
In the HTML text area, paste in your AdvocateAnywhere code snippet.
Note: You can find your specific code snippet under Settings > Embeddables > AdvocateAnywhere.
Step 5
Check the box next to Support document.write.
Step 6
Add a Trigger by clicking the '+' symbol at the top right of the page.
Step 7
Select the Custom Event Trigger Type.
Step 8
Name the rule GTM Dom Loaded, select Event Equals, and fill in the field with gtm.dom (ensure this is all lower case).
Step 9
Save the new rule, then save the new AdvocateAnywhere tag, and you are all set!
How do I find my AdvocateAnywhere code snippet?
Your specific code snippet can be found under Settings > Embeddables > AdvocateAnywhere in your AdvocateAnywhere account.
What should I name my custom event trigger in Google Tag Manager?
You should name your custom event trigger "GTM Dom Loaded" and use "gtm.dom" as the event condition, making sure it is all in lower case.
Is it necessary to enable 'Support document.write' for the AdvocateAnywhere tag?
Yes, you need to check the box next to 'Support document.write' when setting up the AdvocateAnywhere tag in Google Tag Manager.