This article provides an overview of Advanced Analytics features that enable powerful reporting capabilities to benchmark the performance of your Hub and track the impact of social shares by your advocates.
Advanced Analytics offers insights into your Advocacy program's performance compared to similar programs and detailed reporting on the traffic generated from social shares. Below are the main features covered in this article:
Benchmark Reports
Benchmark Reports allow you to compare your Advocacy program with others by various criteria, such as annual revenue, target advocate personas, or number of joined advocates. These reports provide percentiles for key performance metrics, including engaged advocates, challenge completions, referrals submitted, and Twitter shares.
Learn more about the benchmarking feature here .
Social Clicks Reporting
The Social Clicks report offers visibility into the traffic driven by your advocates through social shares. It includes data on the most popular shared content, identifies your top socially influential advocates, and provides a breakdown of clicks by social network.
Discover more about the social influence report available in Advanced Hub Reporting here .
What are Benchmark Reports?
Benchmark Reports are analytics tools that compare the performance of your Advocacy program against similar programs based on various criteria, providing insights into how your program ranks in terms of key performance metrics.
How can I see the traffic generated from social shares?
You can view the traffic generated from social shares through the Social Clicks report, which details the most popular shared content, your most influential advocates on social media, and a breakdown of clicks by network.
Where can I find more information about Advanced Analytics?
Additional information about Advanced Analytics can be found in the support articles linked within the main content of this article, providing detailed explanations of the benchmarking feature and social influence report.