The Advanced Social Influence Report is a comprehensive analytics tool designed for Army tier users and above, which tracks and provides detailed insights into the performance of social shares. It includes features such as identifying top-performing advocates, analyzing shares and clicks by social network, and understanding the impact of different content and challenges on traffic generation.
The Advanced Social Influence Report tracks any clicks generated from social shares. To find it, go to the Dashboard tab and click on the Social Influence tab.
When advocates shares a link to social networks via 'Share a Link', 'Post to Twitter' or 'Follow on Twitter' challenge stages, you can see which advocates have generated the most clicks, a breakdown of shares and clicks by network, and how many shares and clicks were generated on a specific challenge.
Total Shares and Clicks Generated from Social Shares
This is an aggregate total number of shares and clicks generated across all networks for the specified time range.
Shares and Clicks by Social Network
These graphs display the number of social shares made on each network and clicks generated from those shares. The Twitter graph also includes a count of Twitter follows to track the 'Follow on Twitter' stage.
Other clicks mean that they were clicked on somewhere else other than Facebook, Linkedin or Twitter. Mostly, it includes web crawlers/robots checking the link for metadata but could also include people clicking on the link from any other place (an email, slack, etc.)
Most Popular Content Shared
See a breakdown of shares made and clicks generated for a specific challenge and content link. This is a great way to see which specific challenges and content are most successful in generating traffic.
Top Social Influencers
See which advocates have shared the most and driven the highest number of clicks. This report is great for identifying which advocates are most socially influential and are able to drive traffic when you need it.
How do I access the Advanced Social Influence Report?
You can access the report by navigating to the Dashboard tab and selecting the Social Influence tab.
What insights can I gain from the Advanced Social Influence Report?
The report offers insights into the total shares and clicks generated from social shares, distribution by social network, engagement metrics, identification of top-performing advocates, and the popularity of shared content.
What does the 'Other clicks' category represent in the report?
'Other clicks' include clicks from sources other than the main social networks, such as automated traffic from web crawlers, or clicks from emails, messaging platforms, and other websites.
How can the report help in identifying top-performing advocates?
The report provides a detailed breakdown of shares and clicks generated by each advocate, allowing you to identify those with significant social influence and the ability to drive traffic effectively.
Can the report analyze the performance of specific challenges and content?
Yes, the report allows you to view a breakdown of shares and clicks for specific challenges and content, offering valuable insights into which are most effective at generating traffic.