The Digest Email is a summary email sent to Advocate Hub members containing updates on new challenges and discussions. This feature is designed to keep members engaged and informed about the latest content relevant to their interests.
The Digest Email is a powerful tool for keeping Advocate Hub members engaged and informed about the latest challenges and discussions relevant to their interests. By understanding the configuration options, customization features, and delivery logic, admins can ensure their members receive targeted and valuable content in their Digest Emails.
Digest Email Content
The Digest Email includes two main types of content, as well as the ability to customize an additional email body and title:
- Challenges: The email shows up to six new and/or unseen challenges targeted to the member since they last received the Digest Email.
- Discussion Topics: The email includes the six most recently published topics since the last Digest Email if they are unread by the member.
Digest Email Configuration
As an admin, you can configure the email on the Email > Digest Settings section of the Settings page.
Turn the Digest on or off
The challenge email digest will default to ON when the Hub is first created. Since this email is one of the primary ways to drive advocates to visit your hub, we do not recommend turning it off. However, you can turn this off by toggling the on/off switch on the right-hand side of the Digest setting and click Save.
Additionally, your members can choose to unsubscribe from this email at any point by clicking the “unsubscribe” option at the bottom of the email or via their Advocate Profile Notifications settings.
Delivery Days and Times
You can pick the exact days of the week to send and a specific time in the advocate’s time zone. For example, if you want your Hub members to receive the email at 12 noon, they will receive it in their time zone. By default, this delivery time setting is set to 12 PM EST for everyone.
The Hub member's timezone can be set on their profile edit page under the Details tab. Click on their Profile Photo > Edit Profile > Pencil Icon > Timezone.
Reply-to Email
You can also choose who will receive the email reply from Hub users who replied to the email digest sent to them. The options are hubname@email.influitive.com (a no-reply email address) or the default sender's email address, which can be configured in the Email > General section of the Admin Settings page.
Subject and Body
You can customize the subject line of the challenge email digest and provide content for the body of the email. This content can be used as a custom announcement or just an introduction to the email digest.
Feature Challenges or Discussions
The Digest settings support featuring specific Challenges and Discussions Topics in your Next Digest send.
If no selection is made, the slot will be auto-populated with the available challenges. The featured list will only apply to the next scheduled digest. The list will be reset once the digest is sent, and you can choose to re-add the featured challenges and discussions again.
A Status indicator will show the challenge's state and its scheduled publish or unpublish date. Ensure the challenge will be published by the date the digest is sent (including considerations for your Advocate's defined Time Zones).
Additionally, from the Challenge Tab you can mark challenges to "Feature In Digest", and it will be added to the Featured list:
Autopopulation Method
Customers can also change how the digest algorithm chooses new challenges by looking for newly published challenges that allow easier control.
- First publish date: If this option is selected, the digest email will include challenges initially published after the last Email Digest was sent.
- Latest publish date: If this option is selected, the digest email will include challenges re-published (published > unpublished > published again) after the last Email Digest was sent.
Custom CTA Button
You can customize the CTA button text in the email digest. When clicked, this button will direct the Hub members to the Hub to view the new challenges and discussions they might have missed.
Digest Previews
Lenses functionality has been introduced to the digest to easily preview the digest for a specific member.
Administrators can also send themselves an exact copy to their inbox for further testing.
Important Considerations
- What is shown in a member’s preview can change based on new content that is published or what that user completes/views in the Hub.
- In the Digest preview, if you select a member and select Send me this copy, it will send you a copy of the Digest preview for the Hub member you've chosen.
- If no content is targeted to the Hub Member since the last Digest, they will not receive the Digest email.
- Clicking the "Send myself a copy" button will send you (the administrator) all the recently published challenges. This is because administrator accounts are not subject to targeting and see all the published challenges.
- Similarly, Administrators receive the Email Digest to their Administrator accounts but will receive all the challenges and discussions published regardless of targeting rules.
- We recommend creating a test advocate account to test and receive the email digest previews accurately.
- Please note that new users who joined within the last 48 hours before the next digest is sent will not receive it. This is to avoid spamming new users with emails.
Digest Email Delivery Logic
The delivery of digest emails is not standardized or uniform across Advocates, and it is essential to understand the mechanism behind scheduling and delivering those emails. Below are the settings responsible for determining whether the system will schedule the delivery of a Digest and which Advocates will be included.
Advocate Level Settings
- Opt-in Requirement: The advocate must have opted-in to receive the Digest Email in their profile settings.
- The Advocate's frequency configuration in their Profile Notifications settings matches the conditions of the digest, such as the selected day of the week matching the day the digest is being processed.
Company Level Settings
- The Digest Email setting must be enabled at the company level to send emails.
- The delivery of the Digest Email is also influenced by configuring the "Challenges" and "Discussion Topics" sections in the admin digest email settings:
- If the "Challenges" section is enabled, at least one challenge must meet the defined conditions.
- If the "Discussion Topics" section is enabled, at least one topic must meet the defined conditions.
- If both sections are disabled, the digest is sent with only the body and call to action button, and no content-specific checks occur.
What is the Digest Email?
The Digest Email is a summary email sent to members with updates on new challenges and discussions. It aims to drive engagement and remind members to visit the hub.
How can I customize the Digest Email?
Admins can customize the Digest Email by configuring delivery days and times, reply-to email, subject line, featured content, auto-population method, and custom CTA button text.
Can I preview the Digest Email before sending it?
Yes, administrators can preview the Digest Email for a specific member using the Lenses functionality, and they can also send themselves an exact copy for further testing.
Is it possible to turn off the Digest Email?
The Digest Email is on by default but can be turned off by toggling the on/off switch in the Digest settings. Members can also unsubscribe from the email.
What criteria determine whether an advocate receives a Digest Email?
The Digest Email will only be sent if the following four conditions are met: The advocate has (1) opted-in, (2) their frequency configuration matches the digest conditions, (3) the Digest Email setting is enabled at the company level, and either (4.1) the "Challenges" or (4.2) "Discussion Topics" section (or both (4.3)) is enabled with at least one item meeting the defined conditions. If both sections are disabled (4.4), the digest will be sent without content-specific checks.