This article serves as a comprehensive guide for administrators on how to customize and manage the settings of the AdvocateHub. It covers various sections including Advocate Program customization, email configurations, user and role management, referral systems, and integration tools like webhooks. The guide provides detailed instructions on how to access and modify settings such as branding, scoring systems, email templates, custom profile fields, and advanced referral campaign management.
As an administrator, you can customize the settings of the AdvocateHub. This article is your guide to the features available to you in the Settings area.
To access the settings window, click on the cog wheel icon in the top right hand corner of your browser window. From the drop down menu that appears, select Settings .
Here is a description of all the Settings Tabs and Subsections in Settings:
Advocate Program
- Program Name: Under this heading you can specify your company name, as well as the name of your AdvocateHub community. See this article for more details.
- Sign-In Page: In this section, you can customize the messaging that your advocates see when entering the site. See this article for more details.
- Custom Domain: Under this heading, you can set up a custom domain name for your AdvocateHub. See this article for more details.
- Branding: Under this heading, select your AdvocateHub colour scheme and set up your AdvocateHub logos and favicon. See this article for more details.
- AdvocateAnywhere: Customize the logo that appears in embeddable challenge widgets. See this article for more details.
- Reward Disclaimer: In the new reward disclaimer section, you can display a disclaimer in your rewards that will be visible to advocates. You can turn off and on the reward disclaimer depending on the reward.
Scoring & Achievements
- Default Point Structure: Change or understand the default point structure for all challenges. See this article for more details.
- Levels & Badges: Rearrange existing badges or create new and/or custom badges. To learn more, check out our articles on badges and levels .
- Private Leaderboards: Choose which groups you'd like to have private leaderboards. See this article to learn more about how private leaderboards work.
- Reward Types: Click on this heading to see statistics on the categories of rewards that you've created. You can also add a category by selecting "Add Reward Type". That category will then appear in the drop down menu for "reward type" when you're configuring a new reward. You can also "add" to this category in the reward creation process. For more information about rewards, see this article .
- Challenge Types: Like the reward types, this section allows you to see statistics on the types of challenges you've created. Use this heading to add additional challenge types, though you can add to this category in the challenge creation process as well. See this article about how to manage challenge types.
- Event Types: A custom event can be added if you wish to log activities that were completed by an external platform or website. See this article for more details.
- General: This heading has a couple of features relating the general emailing set up. See these articles on how to change who AdvocateHub emails are sent from .
- Welcome Email: Under this heading, adjust the text of the welcome email for newly registered advocates. By default, this feature is turned off. If you would like advocates to automatically receive a welcome email, check the "Enable" box at the top of the page. See this article to read a sample welcome email message.
- Day After Joined Email : Here you can enable or disable the "Day After Joined" email. To learn more about this email, read this article .
- Invitations: If you're sending out invitations from within AdvocateHub, access this page to customize your invitation. You can also select whether (and when) you'd like to send out a follow up email to those advocates who do not join right away. For information on how to invite advocates to the hub, see this article .
- Challenge Email: Emails can be sent out about individual challenges to specific groups or individual advocates. Use this setting to customize the message sent out. You can also preview how the message will look for a given challenge, if that challenge has already been created. See this article about sending challenge emails.
- Referral Email: Advocates who wish to refer someone via email can opt to have an email describing what your hub does be sent to them. This email is meant to be modified by the advocate and forwarded on to the person they are referring.
- Notifications: Use this page to set up whether or not you'd like to have notification emails sent to advocates when various events occur while they're away from the AdvocateHub. See this article for more information about Advocate Notification.
- Customer Relationship Values: You can now set the type of user persona an advocate belongs to. Are you curious to learn more, well read this article to learn all about it.
- Login/Security: Access this page to set up two things: 1. to make your hub "open" so that anyone who accesses the login page can sign up; 2. Configure Single Sign On (SSO) using a Salesforce Customer Portal or other SAML account.
- Custom Profile Fields: Use this page to alter existing or create new "Custom Profile Fields" with which to categorize or filter your advocates. You can create fields that help you with segmentation within the AdvocateHub, and you can also create fields that allow you to integrate more information from SFDC. See this article for more information on Custom Profile Fields .
- New Member Permissions: Set the visibility of the main navigational tabs for your nominees. Read this article to learn more.
- User Management: Access this page to add or edit administrators and authors for your AdvocateHub. Remember that existing advocates must be deleted from the AdvocateHub before they can be made administrators. See this article for more information.
- Role Management Have control over and customize the access your administrators have in their account. Take a look at this article to learn more.
- Webhooks: This is an integration tool to push events from Influitive to other systems. Interested to learn more, read this article .
- Visual Setup: In this section you can upload a custom image for the Referrals tab and customize the call-to-action text. Learn more about the Referrals tab by reading this article .
- Other Lead Creation: In this section you can choose how to handle leads referred though your hub. There are options to sync leads with Salesforce or have them sent to an Eloqua form. Learn more by reading this article .
- Prospect Custom Fields: The advocate hub referral challenge will have default fields but if you were looking to make more, well here you can provide more detailed information for your sales team. Click on this article to learn more.
- Prospect Landing Page: After an advocate sends an email with their custom referral link - when the prospective referral clicks through, they will be brought to this page.
- Referral Email: Your advocates can request a sample introduction email be sent to them so they can easily forward it as an email. You can customize that email here.
- Social Sharing: By enabling this feature there will be an additional sharing option in your referral challenges that will allow participants to share their personal referral link via LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook.
Advanced Referrals
- Activate Advanced Referrals: Click here to enable referrals 2.0.
- Manage Referral Campaigns: This will be the campaign that your advocates will see when they click the referrals tab. Are you looking to set up a referrals campaign well read this article to learn more.
- Setup/ Welcome Message: Turn on your discussions tab and have a lovely welcoming message to all of your advocates. Learn more by reading this article .
- Forum Management: Here you can manage your forum's visibility.
How do I customize the sign-in page of my AdvocateHub?
To customize the sign-in page, access the Settings area by clicking the cog wheel icon, select the Advocate Program section, and follow the instructions provided in the linked article for personalizing your hub's sign-in page.
Can I set up a custom domain for my AdvocateHub?
Yes, you can set up a custom domain for your AdvocateHub by following the detailed instructions provided in the linked article within the Advocate Program section of the Settings.
How do I manage the scoring and achievements system in AdvocateHub?
You can manage the scoring and achievements system by accessing the Scoring & Achievements section in Settings, where you can learn about the default point structure, levels, badges, and leaderboards.
How can I configure the email settings for AdvocateHub?
Email settings can be configured in the Email section of Settings, where you can customize welcome emails, challenge emails, referral emails, and set up notification preferences.
What are Advanced Referrals in AdvocateHub, and how do I activate them?
Advanced Referrals, also known as referrals 2.0, allow you to leverage your advocates to refer others to your campaigns. You can activate and manage your referral campaigns by following the steps provided in the linked article within the Referrals section of the Settings.