This article provides detailed information on the various methods through which advocates can join the Hub. It includes descriptions of different sources listed under an advocate's profile and how administrators can manage this information.
The Advocate Sources section is a crucial part of understanding how advocates are added to the Hub. This information is accessible under each advocate's Profile in the Advocate Details section, specifically next to the Source label.
For a comprehensive view, administrators have the ability to track Advocate Sources when managing Advocate Lists.
Below are the types of sources and their meanings:
Group Invite: [name of group] | Users joined the Hub through Group Join Code. |
Experience: [name of experience] | Users joined the Hub through Experience URL. |
Open Sign Up | Users signed up into the Hub through the Hub Sign in Page. This requires Open Sign Up to be enabled. Users accepted via Request Access are also added with this Source. More on Request Access. |
Csv Import | Users were added/invited to the Hub using csv Import. |
Salesforce | Users were added through Salesforce Integrations. |
Admin added | Users were manually added/invited to the Hub by an administrator. |
API | Users added through a specific and custom API call set up in the Hub. |
SAML | Users joined the Hub through SAML Single Sign On. |
Custom OAuth | Users joined the Hub through OAuth2 Single Sign On. |
Referrals | Users signed up to the Hub through a Referral page. The Hub needs to have Open Sign Up for this. |
Email Invite | Users signed up to the Hub through clicking the invitation link in the email invitation from the Hub. |
AdvocateAnywhere | Users signed up to the Hub by completing/interacting with an AdvocateAnywhere Challenge. |
Community | Users signed up through a public discussion forum. |
What is the Advocate Sources section?
The Advocate Sources section provides information on how advocates are added to the Hub, which can be found under each advocate's profile in the Advocate Details section.
How can administrators manage Advocate Sources?
Administrators can manage Advocate Sources by accessing Advocate Lists and using the provided tools to track and organize how users join the Hub.
What does the source 'Open Sign Up' mean?
The 'Open Sign Up' source indicates that users signed up through the Hub's sign-in page, which requires the Open Sign Up feature to be enabled. It also includes users accepted via the Request Access feature.