Administrator Role / Permissions Management


As your Advocate Marketing program grows, you may need to seek help from members of your organization to manage some day to day tasks. With Role Management, you have the ability to give users certain permissions, while restricting their access to other areas of your AdvocateHub.

The two default system roles are the Administrator and the Author. Authors have most of the abilities of a regular administrator, but lack the ability to publish or approve challenges and rewards - you can learn more about them here.

Permissions of Admin vs Author

Admins can do every action in the hub, however, Authors have a smaller set of permissions. Authors can complete the following 


  • Create Challenges
  • Create Rewards
  • Create Groups
  • Delete Groups
  • Edit Groups
  • Add Nominee
  • Invite Nominees


  • Publish Challenges
  • Publish Rewards
  • Modify Reward Visibility
  • Approve / Reject Challenges
  • Fulfill Rewards
  • Access Settings section
  • Publish Experiences
  • API Access (Any option)
  • View Reports

Essentially the author can create in the hub but can’t publish anything to the advocates, so an admin can confirm everything that goes to the advocates. If you want a user with slightly more or less permissions, like an editor or just a group admin you can create custom users with different permission sets.

Creating a User Role

Begin by navigating to  Settings > System > Role Management. You will encounter the settings page below. 

1. Click on the  Add Role button to create a new user role to configure your new role with the desired permissions.

2. First, enter a descriptive name and clear description of the role you are creating.

3. Next, choose the permissions you'd like to grant to this user.

There are three types of permissions you can enable/disable:

1. Allow Lens viewing ability.

If enabled, this user will be able to use the Lens view. Disable the toggle if you do not want this role to have access to the Lens Tool.

2. Allow Member Interaction.

This permission allows administrators to interact with members via messaging, discussions, content sections, and public challenge responses. When disabled, the administrators will not be able to participate in Discussions or message Hub members.

Member Interaction when enabled, the administrator will be able to click on Hub member's name and message them.

Member Interaction disabled, the administrator will only be able to view the Hub member's profile.

3. Allow API Access.

If enabled, there are specific options to choose on which API functions to allow access for this role.

4. Allow Administrative View Access.

Disabling this permission would allow creating roles that cannot have access to your Hub administrators settings but will still be able to browse or demo the Hub. You can disable this toggle if you would like to create a role for your executive shareholders and other departments to use.

If enabled, there are more specific administrative functions and permissions for you to choose:

Note: Enabling Manage Users will give Admins access to the settings "Admin User Management" and "Reset Password Link" found in Settings > System. Enabling Manage Roles will give Admins access to the setting "Role Management" found in the same location. 

4. Click  Create Role.

Note: The base-level permissions of a custom made role are the same as the 'Author' role. This is called the General User Permission which includes abilities to browse all Challenges, Rewards, Content Pages, and Referral Campaigns, participate and moderate discussion forums, send and receive messages from members and update their public profile.

Assigning Roles

Once you create the user role it will be available when you add a user in the  User Management settings page (Settings > System > User Management). The various user roles created here will be under the User Type dropdown menu.

Deleting Roles

From your Settings > Systems > Role Management, you can delete any user role by hovering over the right side of the list and clicking the 'x' which appears.

Note: You cannot delete roles that currently have users associated with them. You will need to re-assign the user's role before deleting them.

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