Creating A Custom Reward Fulfillment Integration

If you currently use a Rewards Fulfillment vendor who Influitive does not maintain an official integration with at this time, it may be possible to create a custom integration using webhooks and/or API.

We currently offer official integrations for the following vendors:

Note: Influitive will offer support if there are any technical difficulties with our webhooks or API but will not help create the integration. If you would like to purchase a service for Influitive to potentially build the integration for you, raise this with your CSM and it can be scoped out.

This article will outline the theory of how such a custom integration can be built.

Step 1 - Enable 'Reward Metadata'

Contact and ask to enable 'Reward Metadata' for your AdvocateHub. 

This will allow you to add extra data to your rewards which you can see in the below image. This data will be contained in the payload of the webhook or API call you may make to trigger the integration which we will talk about in the next step.

Step 2 - Triggering

You have two options here:

1 - Trigger using a webhook such as the Reward Redemption Requested webhook

2 - Trigger using our GET Reward Redemptions API Endpoint

The benefit of using option 1 is that it is real-time. The instant the Advocate requests the reward the webhook is triggered. Whereas, with option 2, you will need to poll the endpoint at a time interval of your choosing to return outstanding rewards that need to be fulfilled.

Check out these article for more on our Webhooks and API:

API Documentation

Webhook Documentation 

Formatting Influitive Webhooks

Step 3 - Processing

If you decided to go with the webhook option, you will need to use a system like Zapier to catch this webhook which can re-format the data and create an API call which will be sent out to your reward vendor to create the order in their system. 

Note: You will need to consult with your reward vendor for details on their API

Similarly, if you with the API option, the data returned will likely need to be formatted in order to create an order in the vendor's system.

Step 4 - Closing The Loop

Regardless of what route you went to build the integration, it is important to close the loop. A reward 'ID' will be sent in the webhook/API payloads. This ID can then be used in an API call to Fulfill or Refuse a reward and you can also include a message here confirming the reward has been fulfilled or perhaps if the reward requested is out of stock or cannot be fulfilled for another reason you can use this message to convey that to the Advocate.

The endpoint details can be found here -

Note: You will need to consult with your reward vendor for details on their system and how they could potentially get this information back to Influitive from a trigger in their system

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