InfluiTip #15: Embedding Videos in Challenges and the Sign-in Page

In Challenges and the Sign-In Page:

Your first option is to paste the video URL. This method will show the URL and a preview of the video below it. If you want to hide the URL, you can use markdown to do so.

Markdown syntax allows you to format text and embed media. This tip will show you how to embed a video onto your sign-in page or a challenge, with a custom thumbnail.

Start by uploading your own thumbnail image and video to the web. We recommend Imgur for the image upload, and YouTube for the video. Once you’ve gathered the links, you are ready to embed them into a challenge or the sign-in page.

Start by adding the Link syntax, and enter the URL to your video in the round brackets. Then, place the Image syntax inside the square brackets of the Link syntax. Add the URL to your image into the round brackets of this Image syntax.

You should end up with an opening square bracket, followed by an exclamation mark, 2 square brackets, the link to your image inside of round brackets, a closing square bracket, followed by the link to your video inside of round brackets.


For further Markdown reference, you should open up the markdown help page. The help page is accessible by adding /help/markdown to your hub’s URL (for example

In Discussion Posts and Custom Content Pages:

When posting new topics or replies, or creating content pages, you can embed or upload videos directly to Influitive. To embed a video, paste the link into your new post or page, and it will automatically embed it. To upload a video on your device, select the upload icon in the formatting toolbar, and upload your media directly. 

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