Lifetime vs Current Points

Your advocates have worked hard to earn thousands of points, and now they are on top of the leaderboard! They then redeem a $100 iTunes gift card costing 4,000 points! Does this mean that advocate going to lose their spot on the leaderboard? Nope - here's why: 

What are Lifetime Points?

Lifetime points are the number of points you see beside an advocate's name on the leaderboard. This number will never decrease. It will continue to increase as they complete more challenges. This is a running total of all the points they have earned since becoming an advocate.

Meaning, regardless of how many rewards they redeem, this number will continue grow.

What are Current Points?

The Current Points are displayed in the top right of the page. It is beside the message and notification icons. This is the point balance - that is, the amount available to be redeemed for rewards. If your advocates have redeemed a reward, the Current Points will be lower than their Lifetime Points. If your advocate hasn't yet redeemed a reward, Current Points and Lifetime Points should be the same. 

This number will fluctuate based on the points earned and rewards redeemed.

To adjust an advocate's points, please consult with this article - Adjusting Points.

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