Event Types


This article will walk you through each event type and what they mean. Event types are used to define activities performed in the program and connect these activities to earning badges.

Event Type

Advanced Level: The Advocate upgraded to the next corresponding level in the program
Advocate Activity Goal Reached: An Administrator has set out a goal in the Dashboard and the advocates have reached that goal
Advocate Joined: An advocate sign up for the program
Advocate Workflow: An advocate completed the advocate workflow stage in a challenge
Answered Correctly: An advocate answered correctly in a quiz stage within a challenge
Answered Incorrectly: An advocate answered incorrectly in a quiz stage within a challenge
Auto Complete Redo: Disqus searches for the response by the advocate and sends the advocate back to redo the stage if necessary
Blog Comment (Disqus): An advocate completed the blog comment stage within a challenge tied to Disqus
Blog Comment (Manual): An advocate completed the blog comment stage manually within a challenge
Challenge was dismissed (by advocate): An advocate dismissed a challenge
Challenge was rejected (by admin): The administrator rejected an advocate's response
Completed Challenge: An advocate successfully completed a challenge
Completed Online Action: An advocate successfully completed the perform an action online stage within a challenge
Completed Review: An advocate successfully completed a review stage within a challenge
Corporate Workflow: An advocate passed through a corporate workflow stage within a challenge
Corporate Workflow Redo: An advocate failed the corporate workflow stage and must redo the previous stage
Earned Badge: Advocate received a badge
Followed on Twitter: An advocate has completed the follow on twitter stage within a challenge
G2 Crowd Review: An advocate completed the G2 Crowd Review stage within a challenge
Image Uploaded: An advocate completed the Upload an image stage within a challenge
Intro Questions Answered: An advocate successfully completed the Introductory questions
Joined AdvocateHub Group: An advocate completed the Joined an advocate group stage within a challenge, or when the advocate is manually added to a group or when the advocate joined a group via a join code. Please note that this event is not visible on the Event feed.
Left a Comment: An advocate left a comment on a discussion response
Liked: An event in the program was liked by an advocate
Link Clicked: An advocate clicked on a link from the share a link stage within a challenge
Link Shared: An advocate shared a link from the share a link stage within a challenge
Link Shared on Facebook: An advocate shared a link on Facebook from the share a link stage within a challenge
Link Shared on LinkedIn: An advocate shared a link on LinkedIn from the share a link stage within a challenge
Manually Logged Activity: An administrator manually logged an activity for an activity by using the log activity button within the advocate's profile
Nominee Joined: A nominee Joined the AdvocateHub
Peer Invitations Enabled: With nominee nurturing turned on, an advocate invited a fellow colleague to the AdvocateHub
Peer Invite Accepted: With nominee nurturing turned on, the peer invite was successfully accepted
Perk Available: When an advocate is given a perk
Points Adjusted: An advocates points are adjusted
Posted a topic: An advocate posted a topic within the discussion's tab
Profile Updated: An advocate successfully updated their profile
Prospect Accepted (legacy): In referrals 1.0, A prospect was successfully accepted
Prospect Form Submitted (legacy): In referrals 1.0, a prospect was submitted
Prospect Referred (legacy): In referrals 1.0, A prospect was referred
Provided Net Promoter Score: An advocate provided an answer to a net promoter score within a challenge 
Questions Answered: An advocate answer questions in a question stage within a challenge
Quiz Answered: An advocate answered a quiz stage within a challenge
Received a Mention: An advocate received an @ mention within the discussion's tab
Received a Reply Like: An advocate received a reply like within the discussion's tab
Received a Topic Like: An advocate received a topic like within the discussion's tab
Received Feedback: When an advocate received a feedback from the administrators
Redeemed Reward: An advocate successfully redeemed a reward
Referral Link Clicked: Prompted a prospect to click through to a referral page
Referral Milestone Reached: When a referral is submitted in referrals 2.0, a milestone is reached
Referred Prospect Rejected: In referrals 1.0, the referral was rejected
Replied on tweet: An advocate made a comment on a tweet from the post to twitter stage
Replied to a topic: An advocate replied to a topic within the discussion's tab
Retweeted: A tweet an advocate posted through a challenge was retweeted
Reward Fulfilled: A reward was successfully fulfilled for an advocate
Reward Redemption Declined: A reward was declined for an advocate
Reward Redemption Requested: An advocate requested a reward
Stage Completed: An advocate completed a stage within a challenge
Tweeted: An advocate completed the Post to Twitter stage within a challenge
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