AdvocateHub Email Overview

As an Influitive Administrator, it is very important to know what emails are being sent out and when they are being sent out. In this article, we will have a look at the types of emails you can send out:

Welcome Email

You can navigate here by clicking on your  Admin Name > Settings > Email > Welcome Email.

You can set whether you would like welcome emails to be sent out to your advocates when they join the hub. To do so, you can check or uncheck the Enable welcome emails option. This is also where you can customize your welcome email - make it as fun and enticing as you please!

Day After Joined Email

You can navigate here by clicking on your  Admin Name > Settings > Email > Day After Joined Email.

The purpose of this email is to give an advocate that extra push to start engaging in your hub. They have just been added to the hub so you can use this mail to reiterate what they can gain from continuous engagement in the hub.

Invitation and Follow Up Emails

You can navigate here by clicking on your  Admin Name > Settings > Email > Invitations.

You send this mail out when inviting new advocates to the hub, you can send them manually or configure your email automation tools to send them out. 
In addition to the invitation email, you also have the opportunity to configure your  Follow Up Email. This mail is sent to the advocate if they did not sign up after receiving the initial invitation. This can be turned on or off by toggling the various Reminder Options. You can set how many days you want to wait after sending the initial invitation before you send the follow up to 2 days, 7 days, 14 days, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months.
If you activate the Reminder Options after your initial invitation has been sent, they will still send based on when the advocate was last invited. In other words, they will work retroactively. 
Please note:
- Invitation reminder emails will be sent from the original administrator who sent the invitation, not from the default email sender.
- The invitation reminders will count the day after the invitation as Day 0, therefore the invitation reminder will be sent an extra day after the Day 2, 7, 14, 30, 60, 180.

Challenge Digest 

This email provides advocates a list of challenges that are targeted to them. The email is not sent when no new challenges have been published in the last 24 hours. Of course, advocates can unsubscribe from this email if they choose. Read more about this feature in the following article:  Challenge Digest.

Challenge Notification Email

You can navigate here by clicking on your  Admin Name > Settings > Email > Challenge Email.

Whenever you create a new challenge you can notify your advocates using this tool. You can edit the message to something suitable for your hub.

To send the email, go into the Challenges > Select the Challenge you'd like to notify advocates about > Notify Advocates > Adjust settings > Send Notification. This feature automatically includes all the advocates who are eligible for the Challenge Notification email. 

Inactive Members Email

Previously called the "Why did you leave us" email. These emails are sent to inactive members that have not engaged. You can set the inactivity time to send this email. This is a one-time send and there are no follow-up emails even if the members becomes inactive again. This new feature sends a one-time email asking respondents to state the reason why they left the Hub. You can customize the survey answers in this email to give more clear options for the users to explain why they are inactive.

The data collected is available in our Reports located under the Retention tab. This data can be used to enhance your existing re-engagement strategies.

The Subject and Content of the email are customizable and merge fields are supported. Additionally, you can preview this email, adjust the CTA text, and adjust the length of the inactivity period before the email is triggered.

The From address of this email will be sent from

Message Notification Email

When somebody messages an advocate via the hub messaging system, they will receive an email notification with the content of the message, unless they have "New Messages" notifications off under their  Notification settings

Here is an example of what it looks like:

Forgot Password

On your hub Sign-In page, advocates can request a password reset email by clicking on the Forgot Password? link and entering their email address associated with their advocate account:

They will shortly receive an email from with a link to change their password. 

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