Zapier: Automatically Send Invitations For "Invite a Colleague" Challenges

As a pre-requisite, you will need to have a Zapier account in order to begin this process. The free Zapier account comes with 5 "Zaps" and 300 "tasks" (i.e. events) per month. 

We will be working with the challenge template entitled, "Invite A Colleague To Your AdvocateHub." You can access it by going to  Challenges > Add a Challenge and searching for "Invite A Colleague." We'll make one slight modification, though. This challenge should have one field for First Name and one for Last Name rather than just one field for the invitee's name.

Setting up the "Zap"

We will begin by going to Zapier and starting the Zap set-up process. Follow the steps below:

1. In Zapier, click on  Make a Zap in the top navigation bar.

2. For the Choose a trigger app, search and choose Webhook by Zapier and select Catch a hook for the trigger.

3. For the Action app, choose your email sending platform or choose Email by Zapier if the platform you use is not listed.

Note: We will continue this process using Zapier's Email option, but configuration will be similar for other platforms.

4. Click  Continue and copy the URL provided.

5. Open a new tab or browser window and go to your Hub.

6. Navigate to Settings > System > Webhooks and click on Add a Webhook

7. Give your webhook a relevant name, and paste the Zapier URL into the  Webhook Provider URL

8. Scroll down in the webhook pop-up and check the box beside  Questions Answered

9. Scroll down to the bottom an save your webhook

10. Now, return to the tab/window where you are working on your Zap and click  Continue to Step 3. In Step three, you will have to configure your account with the email sending service of choice

11. Continue to Step 4, Filter Web Hook triggers, where we will add some filters to make sure we are getting information from the correct challenges

12. Click on the arrow beside the first field

Wait! Zapier will likely present you with a pop-up now. Please do the following:

13. Click "Okay, I did this" for the first two steps. Once Zapier tells you that it is waiting for your changes, continue to the next step

14. Return to your hub in another tab/windows, and switch to  Advocate View

15. Now, find the Invite a Colleague challenge you created for this purpose

16. Complete this challenge using some very  obvious inputs - e.g. FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, EMAIL (you'll see why this is important later)

17. Come back to your Zapier window and notice that Zapier has picked up your changes

18. Now, add a custom filter:  Source Name (Text) Exactly matches | (Your challenge's headline)

19. Continue to Step 5 to configure the email settings

How to Insert Fields:

Click on the "Insert fields" buttons to insert the appropriate AdvocateHub fields into to the corresponding email fields. You can easily find the correct  invitee fields by looking for Parameters[Responses][###]. This is where using FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, EMAIL to complete the challenge earlier becomes useful.

Any  Contact fields are for the Advocate who wants to invite this person. Take a look at my example below for inspiration:

20. After configuring everything, continue on to test and save your Zap

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